Who We Are

Suzanne Wheeler & Carrie Preusse are sisters and certified MagnaWave Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) practitioners at WāViking Wellness. They are passionate about helping horses, small animals and people manage chronic illness and injuries to live with less pain. They own three different Magnawave devices and started their business in 2019.
Suzanne began using PEMF herself after suffering years of chronic pain & fatigue from autoimmune illness. Suzanne was introduced to Magnawave PEMF to find a solution for her debilitating chronic pain that left her home bound and often bedridden for years. Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) changed her life, and she was able to return to her love for horses, rescuing a retired Thoroughbred racehorse named Captain. Years later, she still has improved energy, less inflammation and is free of harsh pain medications. She served 10 years in the US Army where she flew over 1200 hours in both helicopter and fixed wing aircraft. She also has 20+ years of experience in airport, university, and hospital facility maintenance. Currently, she runs WāViking Wellness, where she helps horses, humans, and small animals with injury rehabilitation and chronic pain issues through PEMF sessions and hands-on equine massage. Suzanne is certified for equine massage through Therasage EMC. In her free time, she enjoys riding horses, knitting sweaters, Norwegian language study, gardening, and nonprofit volunteer work.
Carrie lives in Chaska, MN and is a Captain in the Minneapolis Fire Department with 30 years of service. She is also President of the Minnesota Women’s Fire Fighter Association. An avid sports enthusiast, Carrie enjoys trail riding her Arabian mare, snowboarding, and playing hockey. Carrie is a pioneer in women’s hockey, qualifying for the Fargo South High boy’s hockey team in 1985 (as girls’ hockey teams didn’t exist yet.) She continued to play ice hockey for the University of Minnesota Women’s Club team and various Division A hockey teams, playing hockey for 43 straight seasons. Her job as a fire fighter means that she is used to a varied day/night schedule. In the equine world, she is available to clients at all hours because she knows that horses’ injuries sometimes occur at inconvenient times. Having PEMF available can make a huge difference to the health and recovery of the animal.
Carrie & Suzanne enjoy helping people & animals feel better and recover faster from injuries with PEMF. Their Magnawave business is based on their belief that we all deserve a life free of pain! Magnawave PEMF has helped their horses heal more quickly, prevent injury, and perform better. They are excited to share PEMF with the Midwest community to help others recover from injury, reduce inflammation and live with less pain.
Magnawaving is great for anyone!
MagnaWave is the future for health and wellness.
WāViking Wellness is proudly a Disabled Veteran and Women-Owned Business!